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Nutrition at work

A healthy diet helps to maintain health in the long term and can increase productivity in everyday working life. Unfortunately, implementing healthy eating behaviour into thedaily work routine is not easy. With our offer, we want to support your employees, implement healthy eating behaviour in their everyday working lives. In addition to imparting specialist knowledge, our workshops and individual nutritional coaching also offer very practical impulses to make it easier for your employees to access various nutritional topics and help them to implementing them.

  • Promote healthy eating habits in everyday working life
  • Create awareness of food & nutrients
  • Increase productivity with more energy

A balanced diet is crucial for being productive at work. In addition to the direct effects on increased energy levels and an improved ability to concentrate, a healthy diet strengthens the immune system in the long term and can therefore play a decisive role in maintaining and promoting the general health of employees.

Our approach includes comprehensive support for the workforce in nutrition-related issues. This includes counselling, advice and practical tips, e.g. in the form of workshops or nutrition coaching. From group measures to the creation of an individual nutrition plan, we cater to the needs of your company.

Our lectures provide a theoretical introduction to specific nutritional topics. The presentation can be held at your premises or in an online format (webinar). In addition to the theoretical input, we will be happy to answer your individual questions in a subsequent Q&A session. The main focus of this programme is on knowledge transfer. We are happy to provide you with in-depth insights into both basic nutritional topics and specific topics.

In group training, theoretical input is supplemented by practical exercises. First, your employees receive basic information about nutrition, such as the importance of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats), micronutrients (vitamins, minerals) and their functions in the body. Afterwards, they will be introduced to practical tools for dietary management and will be trained to implement healthy eating habits in your daily work routine. Through joint activities such as cooking or preparation demonstrations, participants are introduced to the topic of nutrition in a relaxed environment. In order to guarantee an optimal realisation, the training is offered for approx. 15 persons.

Personalised coaching can help to identify individual nutritional needs in a more targeted way and improve nutritional habits. Together with our team, we will work out a personalised nutrition plan for you to achieve your goals. By tailoring the approach to your individual needs, a long-term effect is likely and helps to implement the new habits sustainably.

Contact us

Do you have any questions about our range? Please do not hesitate to contact us.