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Care, surgery & anesthesia


The following list does not claim to be exhaustive: some staff members refrain from being named on the homepage for reasons of data protection.

Monica Stalder
Argjenda Ukshini
Claudia Ait Ben Said
Teresa Castiglione
Mirella Cornillet-Bianchi
Clemens Flaig
Sarah Friedrich
Elisabeth Guyard
Aline Gschwind
Pranavan Kanakasabai
Mounira Maache
Anastasiya Maurer
Doris Milicic
Aline Sigrist
Bianca Strohmaier
Florentina Sylaj
Vreni Thommen
Katja Wunderlin


Norbert Martin
Jeannette Christen
Silvana Fermi Kobel
Doris Jurlina
Michael Kaufmann
Nicole Maier


Dr. med. Simone Gerber
Dorota Charczuk
Manuela Gass
Joelle Graff
Vera Lang
Eric Peretti
Catherine Werth
Solweig Da Silva
Beatrice Schrobback