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Make an appointment
Visit us
Assign patients

Visit us

Visiting hours (standard operation):

Monday – Sunday 9.00 - 20.00 for patients with general insurance and until 21.00 for patients with private and semi-private insurance.


Tel. +41 61 465 64 64
Fax +41 61 465 64 88

Getting there

The Rennbahnklinik provides parking spots exclusively for patients and visitors in the lower level parking garage. Please note that a parking fee has been introduced by the building management. The parking meter is located at the entrance, next to the two-wheel car parks.

Bus Nr. 48 to "Pantheon" station (1' walking distance)

Tram Nr. 14 "Käppeli" station or "Zum Park" station (9' walking distance)

Arriving by freeway (A2):

Take exit "Muttenz Nord", follow Birsfelderstrasse until you spot the Rennbahnklinik on your left. Enter the garage on Stegackerstrasse.

Arriving by freeway (H18):

Take exit "Muttenz Süd", follow Münchensteinerstrasse until you face the big junction. Cross the junction, follow new Birsfelderstrasse until you can enter Kriegackerstrasse right before you spot the Rennbahnklinik on your right. Enter the garage on Stegackerstrasse.

General information

  • On the ground level you'll find a restaurant (Restaurant Alessia)
  • You'll find Rennbahntraining, a public gym, on the first floor

Our location