Legal notice
Praxisklinik Rennbahn AG
Kriegackerstrasse 100
CH-4132 Muttenz
Tel. +41 (0)61 465 64 64
Fax +41 (0)61 465 64 69
Praxisklinik Rennbahn AG
Kriegackerstrasse 100
CH-4132 Muttenz
Tel. +41 (0)61 465 64 64
Fax +41 (0)61 465 64 69
Legal information regarding the use of the Internet service provided by Praxisklinik Rennbahn AG (
Persons visiting and using the website of Praxisklinik Rennbahn AG agree to the following terms and conditions:
Use of the website
Praxisklinik Rennbahn AG makes every effort to ensure safe and secure operation of the website. Nevertheless, failings such as loss or corruption of data, virus infection, business interruption etc. cannot be excluded. The user accesses the website at his/her own risk and under his/her own responsibility. Use of the website content is prohibited without the express authorisation of the webmaster.
Praxisklinik Rennbahn AG accepts no liability for damage or consequential damage resulting from access to or use of this website or individual parts of it (e.g. downloaded documents), or from access to or use of links to external websites.
Warranty exemption
Praxisklinik Rennbahn AG takes great care to ensure that the information presented on this website at the time of publication is correct and up-to-date, and that it does not violate the rights of third parties. Nevertheless, Praxisklinik Rennbahn AG provides no guarantee of any kind concerning the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information provided.
The website contains links to websites of third parties. Praxisklinik Rennbahn AG assumes no responsibility for the contents of such websites, for the products, services or other services offered through such websites, or for their compliance with data protection regulations.